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18+ Shy Sabrina
(Artistic Nude)

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 Traduction disponible - Sabrina la timide (Nu Artistique)


Anonymous Nude

Modest, Sabrina reveals her body in the absence of her face. A perfect example of Anonymous Nudes that will delight your eyes.

Some women would like to pose nude, but don’t dare to do so because appearing on a site like AbsurdePhoton would expose them too much to their liking.

Be aware that this is still possible with an Anonymous Nude type session. The principle is simple: everything is done so that the face is not visible. This has the advantage of preserving the identity of the model, and gives a somewhat mysterious mood to the series of photos.

Sabrina is precisely in this case: wanting to expose herself as a kind of challenge, without revealing too much. There is a kind of dichotomy in this reasoning, to reveal a lot without fully realizing it.

And everything is good to hide this face that we cannot see: turned out of the camera’s field of view, face in the shadow, showing just a part of the body... The exercise is much more difficult for the photographer and the model than one might think.

Now enough, please admire the result. Sabrina will remain very mysterious for many... except for me of course, who will long cherish in my memories her beautiful face and her dazzling smile, which YOU will never know.

I am so much lucky!

Artistic Nudes Photo Gallery

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I would never become a size zero. I work out because I want to look good naked, simple as that.