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Subtractive filtering of light

Put on your 3D red and cyan glasses, or find transparent plastic sheets in each color, and put one in front of each eye: you’ll be amazed.

What’s behind these strange color versions of my photos? I’ll let you find out for yourself, but you can try to guess anyway (difficult).

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« Red and blue » glasses (actually red and cyan) are a somewhat archaic way of viewing 3D films (e.g. Creature From the Black Lagoon, filmed in 1954).

The method used is a scientific process known as subtractive light filtering. One glass lets through only the reddish colors, while the other glass in front of the second eye lets through only the colors around cyan, red’s complementary color. The result is that, if the process is properly mastered, the left and right eyes do not receive exactly the same image, but a shifted version. More details in the dedicated article: 3D anaglyphs in photography.

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